I was sitting on a bench today when a small bee buzzed up a foot from my face and hovered there. He looked like a smaller, smarter version of a yellow jacket. I suppose we stared at each other for a minute, I trying to decide if he was of the stinging variety and he deciding if I might have some pollen In my hair. We concluded we were neither a threat nor an asset, and after a brief gooodbye he buzzed about his day.

Not a minute later a huge wasp-bee (I’m not sure which it was, but it had those legs that dangle menacingly like a wasp) zoomed by me drunkenly, tipping this way and that, legs flailing everywhere. It doubled back and dove in toward me several times, only to retreat and prepare another sloppy pass. I don’t actually think the thing was harmful, but he was annoying enough that I said (aloud no less), “Well, if you want this bench so much you can have it.”

There’s a metaphor for human interaction in here somewhere. I’m just not wise enough to ferret it out. Anyway, I prefer the small bee even if he stings. At least he’s direct.

PS I read that you can buy anything you want in a Japanese vending machine.

I saw this bank of them today:

These were only drink options, but look at how much more attractive they are than American vending machines. My snapshot doesn’t do it justice.  Each displays the actual bottles and cans instead of just logos, and something about that is really appealing to me.